Flexible Spending Account
Use your medical flexible spending account (FSA) for our coaching packages!
Did you know you can use your pre-tax dollars for weight-management and chronic-disease-management programs? Did you know wellness services can be paid for using your flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA)? Using your FSA or HSA pre-taxed dollars could save you money when using Your Wellness Coach’s services.
You can take advantage of your company’s medical FSA and use it for Your Wellness Coach’s group classes and individual coaching. If you participate in an FSA sponsored by your company and are deemed to have a medical necessity, the amount you are required to pay for any weight-management and chronic-disease-management services may be reimbursable to you from your FSA.
What is a qualifying medical expense for your FSA or HSA?
When your doctor prescribes a weight-loss program to treat a medical condition such as diabetes, obesity, or hypertension, the expenses for such a program are reimbursable through your FSA or HSA. According to the IRS, qualifying medical expenses are the costs of mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease and the costs associated with treatments affecting any part or function of the body. Medical care expenses must be primarily to alleviate or prevent a physical or mental illness (e.g., stress, back pain, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, chronic fatigue, anxiety, pain management, and weight management).
Weight-Loss Program
Medical expenses may include payments for weight-loss programs if you use it to treat a specific disease diagnosed by a physician (such as obesity, hypertension, or heart disease). This includes fees you pay for membership in a weight-loss group and attendance at group meetings. You cannot include membership dues for a health club or spa as medical expenses.
What to do next:
1- Sign up for one of our coaching packages.
Contact us for a free 30-minute consultation and sign up for our services!
2- Contact your primary healthcare physician.
Tell your primary healthcare physician that you have an FSA or HSA account and would like to use your pre-tax dollars for our wellness coaching as it relates to your medical illness or disease. Your physician may ask you what our coaching is for and what information he or she needs to include on the prescription. Below are the checkpoints the IRS requires that physicians include on the prescription. You will need to hold onto your prescription and your receipts from Your Wellness Coach for reimbursement and/or verification.
3- Submit your claim for reimbursement.
For reimbursement, you need to submit your claim along with your physician’s letter. A physician’s letter (prescription) is valid for one year from the date written. We provide you with a prescription/referral form that easily contains all of the information below for your convenience. The physician’s letter should contain the following information:
- Diagnosis requiring coaching (ie, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease)
- Treatment duration (We recommend listing 12 months so you have the option of continuing services for the maximum treatment time allowed by the IRS if you choose to do so.)
- Equipment, medication, therapy, or program needed for treatment (ie, Wellness Coaching for weight management)
- Date of issue of the physician’s prescription and letter of medical necessity for whom the treatment is prescribed
- Physician’s or health care professional’s name and signature
Click to Download : FSA HSA Letter of Medical Necessity Form